Andrea K Lawson
Visual Artist
4 Sep 2024 - 28 Sep 2024 Symbiotica: Microcosm of Beauty Living in Community Solo Art Exhibition. Category: Show/Exhibit Venue: 117 CORE Gallery, Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA, USA Reception: 5 Sep 2024
Opening Reception Thursday September 5, 5-8PM.
Symbiotica: Microcosm of Beauty Thriving Through Community.

Andrea's Intaglio print series title Symbiotica refers to the symbiotic relationship between algae and fungus which form lichen. Symbiotica is a metaphor for community and creating relationships for a better world. One has to look carefully to find lichen on the forest floor, sidewalks, rocks, an old building, city railing, or bark on a twig in the park. When Andrea moved from the water’s edge to a woodland studio, she became intrigued by the microcosmic world of lichen. A fascination with the beauty in overlooked spaces and by extension, her fellow human beings, inspired Andrea’s new experimental mixed media etchings.

As part of the exhibit, I will be handing out Seeds of Peace sculptures. Come see what it's about!